We love when our patients ask questions. Providing experienced, friendly, and knowledgeable care is one of the many reasons why Silk Vision is a trusted facial and cosmetic surgery practice in Northern Virginia. We want to see our patients realize clear, healthy, and beautiful vision. That’s why we rigorously research new products that come to market. One question that Dr. Rajjoub has certainly been asked a time or two more recently is: What’s the difference between Xeomin and Botox? If you’re looking to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, we have the answer.
Understanding the “naked injectable”
Xeomin is a relative newcomer to the cosmetic scene, so fewer people recognize it than the more prevalent Botox. Both are neurotoxins, or injections made to block the release of chemicals that cause muscle contractions – the underlying trigger of frown or forehead lines, crow’s feet, or smile lines around the eyes. As your skin matures, these repeated contractions can cause lasting lines and wrinkles. A neurotoxin can soften their visibility and help you appear more relaxed and less tired.
What makes Xeomin “naked”? For starters, there’s just one ingredient: botulinum toxin A. Botox, in contrast, is made with this same active ingredient plus the addition of a protein. Proteins, however, don’t play a role in treatment and may work against the patient in the long run as muscles develop antibodies to them. Over time, these antibodies could prevent a neurotoxin like Botox from having its desired effects. Without additives, a human body is less likely to become resistant to a more pure-form injectable like Xeomin. Another perk? Without the protein, Xeomin doesn’t need to be refrigerated, so it can travel and store more easily.
Are the results similar?
Yes. Like Botox, the full effects of Xeomin occur within one week and can last from three to six months. After a roughly 10-minute procedure, when Dr. Rajjoub makes tiny pin-point injections around the desired area, you’ll feel a slight heated sensation and may experience some slight swelling, like a mosquito bite. This is common and should go away shortly. After a few days, you’ll notice that the wrinkles around the eyes and forehead may become smoother, and your eyelids may appear more opened. The overall expression will be more relaxed and alert. Of course, wrinkle reduction and effects of the procedure differ between patients, but Dr. Rajjoub can discuss your individual treatment and results with you.
Are you ready to reduce fine lines and wrinkles? Now that you know the difference between Xeomin and Botox, discuss whether Xeomin may be right for you with the caring physicians at Silk Vision. We’ll be there every step of the way in support of your healthy, beautiful vision.