Adjust your lens to your lifestyle after cataract surgery.
The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL) from RxSight® is the first and only FDA-approved intraocular lens (IOL) that can be adjusted postoperatively to improve uncorrected visual acuity.
The most advanced intraocular lens in America.
2x as likely to have 20/20 vision as compared to other intraocular lens implants
We can customize your vision to achieve excellent distance, intermediate, and near vision – without the glare or halos associated with multifocal lenses.
What is a Light Adjustable Lens?
The LAL is made of a special photosensitive material that can be reshaped in response to ultraviolet light. First, routine cataract surgery is performed and the LAL is implanted. Then, 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, a proprietary Light Delivery Device (LDD) is used to adjust the lens based on the manifest refraction.
Each light treatment takes approximately 90 seconds and, unlike with standard IOLs, patients are able to test vision options and provide direct input into their refractive correction during their LDD treatments.

What can I expect from treatment?
In a clinical study (N = 600), patients who received the LAL were twice as likely to achieve 20/20 vision at 6 months without glasses as those who received a standard monofocal IOL. And for patients who would like to reduce their dependence on near correction, precise mini-monovision can be achieved with the LDD.
Once you achieve vision that matches your goals and expectations, the final light treatment is performed to permanently lock in the IOL power. The results from clinical trials with the LAL show LASIK-like outcomes, with many patients obtaining 20/15 vision.
What are some advantages to an LAL?
The LAL offers tremendous advantages over IOLs currently available. The lens is an ideal option for patients who have previously undergone any type of refractive surgery, which makes accurate preoperative measurements more difficult and significantly increases the chance of a postoperative refractive surprise.
The LAL also offers patients the opportunity to try blended vision and to achieve their best possible vision.
Start the conversation.
We are excited to share the LAL with you and look forward to exceeding your expectations with this state-of-the-art, game-changing technology.